Make a One-Off Donation
You can make your donation by bank transfer to the following account:
Account Name: Trinity Parish
Account number: 11465276
Sort code: 90 61 95
IBAN: IE45 BOFI 9061 9511 4652 76
Alternatively you can make your donation here via Paypal through the button below.

In both instances please include your name, so that we know who the donation is from, as this may enable a tax rebate to be claimed from Revenue.

Monthly or Recurring Donations
Making a commitment to regular financial support, helps to support ministry in our community, it helps to sustain the work and mission of the church with young families in our school, and to care for the ill, lonely, bereaved and the elderly members of our community.
Your regular giving will also sustain our cathedral building – as a place of worship at the centre of the community, open for regular services, community events, and for those important family occasions in our lives – baptisms, weddings and funerals.
A commitment to giving on a regular basis is the most effective way of ensuring a regular income for our Parish and enables the Select Vestry to plan ahead and budget with confidence.
You can give by Standing Order or Weekly Envelope. If you would like to receive a set of envelopes for placing on the collection plate please contact the Cathedral Office. Alternatively you may wish to set up a standing order, if you already make payments by standing order, you can use the same method to give to the church. Our bank account details are:
Account Name: Trinity Parish
Account number: 11465276
Sort code: 90 61 95
IBAN: IE45 BOFI 9061 9511 4652 76
In both instances please include your name, so that we know who the donation is from, as this may enable a tax rebate to be claimed from Revenue.