The Bells
The first mention of bells associated with the cathedral is from 1650, when bells were hidden in the
crypt of the cathedral to save them from been taken as booty by the Cromwellians. In the year 1668
six bells were cast by William and Roger Purdue and William and Tobias Covey from Bristol. In 1727
the then Bishop of Waterford Rt. Rev. Thomas Miller had them recast by Joshua Kipling of
Portsmouth. These bells were in turn recast by Mears and Stainbank of London in 1872 giving us our
current set we have today, a peal of eight bells with the tenor bell weighing twenty hundredweight
(just over 1 ton) and sounding E. The first peel of Grandsire Triples ever rung in Ireland was rung in
the tower on 27 th July 1872, perhaps this is why Waterford is referred to as the ‘cradle of change
ringing in Ireland’.
Treble 30 1/4 ” in diameter Weight 6cwts.1qr.12lbs. Note E
2: 31” 6cwts.0qrs.5lbs. D sharp
3: 33 ¾” 7cwts.0qrs.11lbs C sharp
4: 34 ¾” 7cwts.3qrs.24lbs. B
5: 38” 9cwts.1qr.17lbs A
6: 40” 10cwts.3qrs.24lbs G sharp
7: 43 ¼” 13cwts.3qrs.4lbs F#
Tenor 49 20cwts.0qrs.1lb E

Regular Ringing
Regular ringing is our main role. This includes ringing for church services and regular practice ringing.
Many other activities help to make up the richness of ringing life at the Cathedral. Any ringers
visiting Waterford when we are ringing are welcome to come and ring with us.
Wedding Ringing
Anyone getting married at the cathedral has the option of having bells for their wedding. Weddings
are normally on Saturdays, but increasingly we have requests to ring for weddings during the week.
We always try to meet these requests, even though many of our ringers have ‘regular’ jobs during
the day.
Teaching New Ringers
We routinely welcome new recruits, and teach new ringers. If you think you might be interested in
learning to ring, you would be welcome to come and see what it is all about. Either visit the tower
during a practice, or contact Richard de Courcy on 051 874369.